The Use of A Buccal Free Fat Tissue Graft to Enhance Primary Soft Tissue Closure during Socket Preservation and Improve Ridge Contour at the extraction site: Presentation of the Technique, and Report of Case Series

Author(s): Fares Kablan, Abir Abu Subeh, Ofer Moses

Objectives: The aim of this clinical case series is to present a new technique that utilizes a buccal free fat tissue graft (BFFG) harvested from the buccal fat pad (BFP) for socket preservation, and provides primary closure and socket sealing at the extraction site.

Materials and Methods: Twelve patients (9 women, 3 men; mean age 37) with 28 extraction sites were treated using BFFG for socket preservation and were followedup over 12-60 months post operatively. Ten patients received 22 implants in 25 treated sockets, and 2 patients were treated by conventional fixed partial dentures over 3 treated sockets. BFFG was placed over different bone grafting materials in fresh extraction sockets without the use of a membrane. Patients were examined clinically and radiographically at 2weeks, 4weeks, and at 2 months and 4 months post procedure. Computed tomography was performed after 4 months to evaluate the dimensions of the osseous tissue in the treated sites. Implants were placed 4-5 months post operatively.

Results: Healing following BFFG grafting was uneventful, with minimal morbidity. Follow-up revealed preservation of socket volume compared to the original dimensions before extraction. Soft tissue healing displayed a perfect color match to the surrounding tissue.

Conclusions: Harvesting BFFG from BFP is a simple procedure with only minor complications that can be used to enhance primary soft tissue closure of an extraction site. This technique improves the development of long-term ridge contour and soft tissue thickness, and the BFFG blends with the neighboring attached gingiva.

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