The Impact of Bone Metastasis Location in the Clinical Outcome of Patients with Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma (mRCC): An Analysis from the Latin American Renal Cancer Group (LARCG)

Author(s): Diego Abreu, Antonia Angeli Gazola, Alessandra Borba Anton de Souza, Felipe Pizzolo, Guillermo Gueglio, Alberto Jurado, Luis Meza, Carlos Scorticati, Maximiliano Lopez, S

Background: Tumor burden and metastatic disease sites are well-established prognostic factors in many malignancies, including metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma (mRCC).

Objective: We aimed to evaluate the impact of bone metastasis (BM) location on clinical outcome of mRCC patients.

Methods: This study is a retrospective analysis of 4060 mRCC patients from the Latin American Renal Cancer Group (LARCG) database. Clinico-pathological characteristics, 24-months-survival, overall survival (OS), and BM sites were collected. To estimate the association between BM location and clinical outcomes we used Cox regression method.

Results: Out of 4060 patients, 530 (14.5%) had metastatic disease. Among those, we analyzed the fifty-six that had only BM. The median follow-up was 20.8 months (range from 0 to 188 months). Non-spinal BM (NSBM) were identified in 33 (58.9%) patients and spinal BM (SBM) in 23 (41.1%) patients. Median OS was 35 months, and 24-months OS was 76% for patients with NSBM and 46% with SBM (HR: 2.22). In multivariable analysis SBM (HR: 3.08), ASA classification 3-4 (HR: 2.37), non-cc histology (HR: 5.11), and age (HR 1.06) were independent prognostic factors for OS.

Conclusions: Our study showed that SBM predicted shorter OS, suggesting that the location of BM may impact the clinical outcome of patients with mRCC.

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