Dorsal Second and Third Carpometacarpal Joint Dislocation: A Case Report

Author(s): Charalampos Pitsilos, Theofylaktos Kyriakidis, Konstantinos Chitas, Konstantinos Ditsios


Carpometacarpal joint dislocations are uncommon hand injuries occurring in less than 1% of hand trauma. On routine postero-anterior view, asymmetry at the carpometacarpal joints should raise suspicion of possible subtle injury, which can be confirmed with CT scan. In literature, there is a scarcity of published cases and the optional treatment is controversial.

Case report

A 28-year-old man presented with dorsal dislocation of the second and third carpometacarpal joints. After initial closed reduction, the computerized tomography scan revealed residual dorsal subluxation. The patient was successfully treated with closed reduction under fluoroscopy and percutaneous pinning. In the follow-up full range of motion was gained and there were no recurrence or signs of degenerative changes.


Closed reduction of traumatic dorsal second and third carpometacarpal dislocation may be associated with incomplete reduction. Reduction under fluoroscopy and percutaneous pinning may be more suitable for the treatment of these injuries.

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