Diagnostic Overview of Neurological Manifestation in Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Case Report with Literature Review

Author(s): Zinia Pervin, Md Al Hasibuzzaman, Shuvashis Paul

Peripheral neuropathy is rare in children, however inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) can lead to neurological manifestation in pediatric patients. IBD is a term for Crohn’s disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC), believed to be resulting from chronic inflammation and unresponsive activation of the mucosal immune system of the gastrointestinal tract. Although extra intestinal manifestation including several systemic dysfunctions has been documented in IBD, the neurological association and its pathogenesis are rare during the early course of IBD. However, the occurrence of neurological manifestation in IBD may cause secondary disability which can persist throughout life, may become life-threatening if left untreated. We reported a child diagnosed case of pediatric inflammatory bowel disease was admitted with a complaint of neurological manifestation. We investigated the possible causes of neuropathy in IBD, after excluding other possible causes related to neuropathy, this case is diagnosed as acute sensorimotor peripheral neuropathy due to nutritional deficiency or immunomodulatory drug associated with Crohn's disease. Immunosuppression is an integral part of the treatment of pediatric IBD but the inconsiderable selection of immunomodulatory drugs may result in irreversible risk including neurological impairment.

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