Covid-19 Pandemic Analysis using Regression

Author(s): Raji P, Deeba Lakshmi GR

Covid-19 is a pandemic which has affected all parts of the world. Covid-19 is a pandemic which can be controlled only by maintaining social distancing, proper hygiene, wearing mask, hand sanitation and to a extend by wearing face shield. Even though each state has followed their own ways of controlling the infection, awareness among citizens and behaving as responsible citizens is very important in controlling this disease. Contact tracing plays an important role in controlling this pandemic. This paper deals with the effect of Covid-19 in various states of India and also forecasts its effect using machine learning techniques. Regression analysis like Linear and polynomial have been used for analysis of Covid-19, where Kaggle dataset has been used. This helps in understanding the much-affected states in India and helps to understand the infrastructure requirements to handle this pandemic efficiently.

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