Acknowledgement to Authors, Reviewers and Editors of Dental Research and Oral Health in 2018.

Article Information

Dental Research and Oral Health, Editorial Office, Fortune Journals, 11355 Richmond Ave #507, Houston, TX 77082, USA

Published: 18 January 2019

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Article Details

Rigorous peer-review is the main part in building the corner-stone of high-quality academic publishing. The editorial team greatly appreciates the authors, reviewers who contributed their knowledge and expertise to the journal’s editorial process over the past 12 months. In 2018, a total of 5 articles was published in the journal with a median time to first decision of 10 days and a median time to publication of 15 days. The editorial office would like to express their sincere gratitude to the following authors, reviewers and editors for their cooperation and dedication in 2018:


Damyanova, et al. [1,4],

Arahira. Et al. [2],

Peev Vassil I, et al. [3],

Dobrinka Mitkova Damyanova, et al. [5]

Editors and Reviewers:

Larry W White

Brian Partido

Paulo Jorge Palma

Chao Liu

Ravi Sheshala

Joanna Kuc

Francesca Diomede

Mohammed Nahidh

Raquel Pippi Antoniazzi

Enrico Conserva



  1. Damyanova Dobrinka, and Elena Dimova. Correlation Analysis Between OHI-S and PBI-S Ainamo and Bay in Children Aged 6 Years. Dental Research and Oral Health 1 (2018): 1-6.
  2. Arahira Takaaki, and Mitsugu Todo. Biomechanical Analysis of Jaw Bone with Cyst Using CT-Image Based Finite Element Method. Dental Research and Oral Health 1 (2018): 7-16.
  3. Peev Vassil I., Iliya V. Peev and Mary Hristamyan-Cilev. A Combined Surgical-Orthodontic Treatment of Two Infundibularis Mesiodentes–A Case Report. Dental Research and Oral Health 1 (2018): 17-21.
  4. Damyanova, Dobrinka M, and Radosveta Andreeva-Borisova. Analysis of Therapeutic Efficacy of Clinically Applied Varnish. Dental Research and Oral Health 1 (2018): 22-28.
  5. Dobrinka Mitkova Damyanova, Sirma Angelova, Radosveta Andreeva-Borisova. Estimation of Pulpitis Prevalence in Primary Dentition. Dental Research and Oral Health 2 (2018): 29-33.

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