Using Various Serological Markers to Characterize Hepatitis B - Infected Patients Who Visit Clinical Analysis Laboratory, KNUST

Author(s): Duah AA, Nsiah K, Agyeman-Duah E

Ghana is not an exception from developing countries suffering from hepatitis B infection. Research has shown that various communities have different prevalent rate as result of life style and socioeconomic levels. This study investigated the prevalence of the infection, possible risk factors, determined liver enzymes (AST and ALT) of infected respondents and serologically characterized the infected respondents in KNUST community. In a total of 85 respondents, 8 of them tested positive to the HBsAg indicating 9.41% prevalence. Males have higher prevalence (13.16%) than females (6.38%). Ages from 20-29 recorded the highest prevalence followed by 30-39 and 50-59. The mean values obtained for AST in U/l was (40.33±13.60) and ALT in U/l was (25.17±5.70). The mean values indicate normal health for liver cells. Three of the respondents reported of having a family history of HB virus, two claimed they had been blood-transfused and one was involved in sharing of devices. Therefore, age, sex, history of blood transfusion, use of shared items and blood contacts have much influence and could be major contributing factors to HBV infection. Serological evidence indicates that positive respondents to HBsAg fall within the inactive chronic hepatitis B carrier phase and so it can be concluded that the chronic hepatitis B-infected patients visiting the Clinical Analysis Laboratory are in the inactive phase.

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