Using Laser Acupuncture and Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) to Treat Male Infertility by Improving Semen Quality: Case Report
Author(s): Sajedeh Behtaj, Michael Weber
Infertility is worldwide a health and psychological burden for couples aiming at building up a family. Male and female are equally involved in reasons for infertility. In 50% percent of the cases, the issue is caused by the male. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of Laser acupuncture and Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) on the sperm quality of an infertile male with an idiopathic reason. A 32- year- old infertile male with low quality sperm was referred to the Sheykh Bahaee clinic after spermogram testing in a central pathobiology laboratory according to 2010 World Health Organization (WHO) standards. The following laser acupuncture treatment was conducted; points: LI4, Liv3, Sp6, Kid3, Kid6, Sp5, Ren3, St29, Du4, St36, Ub20, Ub23 and also auricular points: shenmen, prostate gland, interferon, kidney, liver, spleen, by laser pen with 810 n.m, 400 mw power, Nogier B frequency (584 Hz) and each area 1-6 joules, according to patient’s vascular autonomic signal (VAS), twice a week, in 15 sessions. Furthermore, super pulse laser with the following parameters setting was conducted: 5*60W = 300 W peak power, duration 200 ns, length wave of 904 n.m, Nogier B frequency, 10 joules according to patient’s VAS was applied on local areas: symphysis pubis, prostate gland, pelvic area twice a week in 15 sessions. Findings: After 15 sessions the spermogram test was done. The test showed that the sperm mobility, enhanced 23% and sperm morphology increased 25%. In addition, changes in sperm count and volume of sperm were seen. Results: The results showed LLLT and laser acupuncture were effective on the enhancement of sperm quality.