The Perception of Undergraduate Students in a Malaysian Dental School on use of just in Time Videos before a Clinical Procedure

Author(s): Vinayak Kalyan Chakravarthy Pishipati, Jayashri Tamanna Nerali, Rennie Doh Li Ryn, Alicia Wong Pui Lai, Goh Wei Horng, Khor Wei Kent

The undergraduate dental students who enter clinical session after completion of preclinical exercises on simulated patients usually encounter difficulties in adjusting to real life patient encounter. This study seeks to evaluate the perception of undergraduate dental students on the use of JIT videos before a clinical procedure as an aid to overcome these difficulties. Inside this Interventional study student watch JIT videos of three simple procedures like rubber dam application, fluoride application, restoration of carious teeth (International Caries Detection and Assessment System ICDAS 03) before the clinical procedure starts. 90 randomly selected Penang International Dental College undergraduates were included in this study. Questionnaire based on 5-Level Likert Scale at the extremes, with “strongly disagree,” to “strongly agree,” and open-ended questions at the end was distributed to them after watching the JIT video and performing the clinical procedure. The mean scores for the 21 individual questions range from 3 to 4 for Fluoride Application, Restoration of Carious Tooth (ICDAS 03), Rubber Dam Application JIT videos and the overall Cronbach's Alpha showed a very strong reliability. In summary, the student perceptions were generally positive. Even though there were some disagreements among the items evaluated, the majority of students agreed that JIT videos have helped them during the clinical procedure. All three JIT videos were able to reduce the students’ anxiety level, improve students’ knowledge, skills and professionalism, provided good video structures, enhanced interaction of students with and useful enough to be recommended to other students in the clinical practice.


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