The Pattern of Admission, Discharge, and Outcome at a Private Psychiatry Hospital In Dhaka, Bangladesh: A Retrospective Study

Author(s): Hafizur Rahman Chowdhury, Monirul Islam, Nahid Mahjabin Morshed, Sultana Algin

Aim: Mental health service is a major public health concern in developing countries. The primary objective of the study is to determine the admission, discharge, and outcome patterns at a private psychiatry hospital in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Materials and Methods: The relevant data of the patients coming to the clinic during the study period were recorded in registry books. This is a retrospective study of all new patients attending a private psychiatry clinic in Dhaka, Bangladesh, from July 2022 to June 2023.

Results: Patients who are men have more education than patients who are women. Three out of five of the students in the groups are men. Eighty-six percent of the male patients who had a business career did so. Male patients are less likely to be married than female patients. Men and women are both affected by lower socioeconomic situations in the same way. Most of the patients, both men and women, come from unitary families. It is mostly men who live in rural regions (67.2%) and urban areas (57.9%). Men voluntarily go to hospitals more often than women, and men also willingly leave hospitals more often than women. Men are more likely than women to have diabetes, high blood pressure, and togetherness. Patients who were men had more remissions, response, and recovered than patients who were women.

Conclusions: Approximately 61% of patients experienced psychiatric illness in the 20-39 age range and most (60%) of them are male patients. Schizophrenia and Bipolar Mood Disorder (Total 61.6%) get more hospital admissions than other psychiatric disorders. Maximum patients get voluntary admission (49%) and voluntary discharge (72%). Regarding outcome, 80% of patients get their disorder in full and partial remission after intervention. So, we can conclude that psychiatric patients get better management at private psychiatric hospital despite the shortage of mental health services in Bangladesh.

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