Strategies to Minimize Virus Transmission During Anesthesia Procedures in COVID-19 Patients

Author(s): Fihr Chaudhary and Devendra K. Agrawal.

Anesthesiologists and the critical care team may be at increased risk of contracting severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19) due to airway manipulations and intubations performed during anesthesia administration and management of patient undergoing surgery. SARS-CoV-2 infections have been reported among healthcare workers. The virus is transmitted by close personal contact and aerosols. During intubation and other procedures involving the airway, the anesthesiologist is especially susceptible to aerosols. We performed a systematic analysis of the published reports on potential effects of COVID-19 during surgery on the anesthesiologist and critical care team. and identified potential immunomodulatory effects of general anesthetics in the presence of COVID-19 infection in patients. The article also provides critical discussion on the current medical management of COVID-19 and highlights the evidence-based key points for a safer practice during anesthesia administration and surgeries both in children and adults, including obstetric procedures and how it could affect pregnant women receiving anesthesia. With regional anesthesia, airway manipulation is not necessary, and healthcare workers and other patients are less likely to contract the same infection.

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