Spinal Instrumentation in Spondylodiscitis: An Experience from Saudi Arabia

Author(s): Ahmed A Farag, Bokhary Mahmoud, Wael Hammad, Mohamed A Khoudir, Faisal A Sukkar

Objective: For evaluation of safety and effectiveness of instrumentation in treatment of spondylodiscitis cases, taking into consideration the clinico-radiological outcome.

Material and Method: In a retrospective case series study, patients of spondylodiscitis were operated between 2015 and 2019 in Armed Force Hospital Southern Region, Saudi Arabia. The data of the 30 patients who had suffered from spondylodiscitis have been analyzed and studied.

Results: 30 patients with spondylodiscitis were included. Male to female ratio 2.3:1 and the mean age in our study was 50 ± 2 years. Predisposing risk factors in these cases were found in 22 patients (73.3%). The mean duration of follow up was 7 ± 1 months. The mean VAS score was 8 ± 1 before surgery and 2 ± 1 at end of follow up with a markedly significant p-value (<0.001). The mean Barthel index was 45 ± 16 (range, 10 -70) before surgery and 90 ± 18 (range, 65-100) at end of follow up period with a highly significant p-value (<0.001).

Conclusion: Spinal instrumentation is an effective and safe method in the treatment of spondylodiscitis in selected patients.

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