Recording of Visual Evoked Potential in Patients Suffering from Epilepsy following Valproate Sodium Treatment

Author(s): Farabi Y, Adib Moghaddam S, Naser M

Aim: Valproate Sodium is a drug which can be used in patients suffering from epilepsy. It is reported that in some cases it may have toxic effect on visual system, mainly visual pathway. The aim of present study is to examine the visual pathway of these patients using visual evoked potentials.

Method: 27 epilepsy patients under sodium valproate treatment were selected for the purpose of present study. VEP, P100 peak was measured in patients’ groups i.e. case group. The result obtained were compared with the control consist of 27 normal population matched with case group.

Results: The two groups were matched demographically from age, sex and visual acuity point of view. The mean latency/ S.D of VEP, P100 peak were 1.8/7.23 and 95/4.37 msec and that of mean amplitude were 7 ± 1.83 and 8 ± 2.0 µv in case and control groups respectively. The difference between two groups was significant in case of latency of VEP, P100 peak whereas the difference between amplitude of VEP, P100 peak was not significant.

Conclusion: From the results of present work one can conclude that sodium valproate affects visual pathway of epilepsy patients which can be proved by visual evoked potential.

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