Reconstruction of the Lower Lip with A Buccal Fat Pad Free Graft– Report of A Case

Author(s): Fares Kablan, Daniel Oren, Asaf Zigron, Khaldoon Abu Saleh, Idan Redenski and Samer Srouji

The lips are a critical component that contributes both to esthetics and function. Partial or total resection of the lower lip following diagnosis of squamous cell carcinoma is frequently required. Reconstruction of lip tissues depends on the size and area of the defect. Multiple methods have been introduced for such cases, all with their challenges and downsides in restoring acceptable aesthetics and function. While defects covering roughly one-third of the lip surface can be treated by primary closure, more significant defects may require more complex methods. Recently the free buccal fat pad graft has been described as a volumizer graft, able to reconstruct different defects in the oral cavity. This report aims to describe a case diagnosed with SCC in which a wedge resection of about 50% of the lower lip was reconstructed with a free buccal fat pad graft. Lip tissue underwent primary closure and compensation of the lost lip volume was obtained. Thus, the buccal fat pad graft was shown to be an adequate tool for cases of lip tissue reconstruction.

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