Primary Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Thyroid

Author(s): Burkan Nasr, Abdulhakim Al_Tamimi, Mohmmed Issa, Ali Amri, Yasser A Obadiel, M. Qubati, Anwar Al_Junaeed, Mohmmed Al-Shehari, Saeed Al Bahlooli

Background: Primary squamous cell carcinoma (PSCC) is a rare thyroid cancer that is difficult to diagnose and differentiate before pathology changes observed, poor prognosis, aggressive malignancy associated with locally advanced disease and frequent metastases to regional lymph nodes and distant sites.

Case Presentation: A 76-year-old female patient complained about a rapidly growing anterior neck mass and a change in her voice. Based on the patient's symptoms, clinical examination, neck and thyroid ultrasound with fine needle aspiration cytology, the patient was initially diagnosed with suspicious thyroid nodule thereafter, total thyroidectomy with left neck node dissection. However, her disease was finally diagnosed according to the histopathology result as Primary squamous cell cancer (PSCC).

Conclusion: Primary squamous cell cancer (PSCC) of thyroid are poor prognosis when associated with locally tissue infiltration and infected necrosis, the proper history, good neck and thyroid examination support by neck sonography help full to diagnosis the thyroid malignancy in general, the best treatment for Primary squamous cell cancer (PSCC) was total thyroidectomy with or without lymph node dissection followed by radio- chemotherapy.

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