Prevalence and Associated Factors of Low Back Pain among the Staffs of a Pharmaceutical Company of Dhaka City

Author(s): Kamal T, Sarker S, Dina NA, Sharmin S

Background: Low Back Pain has been shown to be an important health and socio-economic problem of occupational diseases, which plague a large segment of the population in industrialized countries. Reviews of the literature describing LBP point prevalence in the developed world have produced variable of prevalence rates. Low back pain is common in Bangladesh also, responsible for an enormous burden of chronic disease, so this study aimed to disseminate the findings to take necessary steps to minimize low back pain and reduce the costs and injuries associated with ergonomic hazards of workers.

Objective: To identify the prevalence and factors associated with low back pain among the stuffs of a pharmaceutical company of Dhaka city.

Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted in General Pharmaceutical Company in Mohammadpur, Dhaka. The study was carried out of Pharmaceutical Company in Mohammadpur, Dhaka, Bangladesh. The duration of the period from 10th October 2019 to 10th January 2020. Randomly interview was done by standard questionnaire containing extremely simple and well-structured question.

Results: Total 349 sample was collected from General pharmaceutical company in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The result of this study showed that the prevalence of low back pain is 45.3% among the staff of this pharmaceutical company. Regarding sex, females have recorded 51.2% of those suffering from back pain. Factors such as socio-economic factors, family factors, body mass index, physical factors, psychological factors, medical history and sleeping disturbance were associated with the prevalence of LBP among stuffs of pharmaceutical company.

Conclusion: Preventive strategies such as maintaining weight, fairness o

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