Potential Hazards Associated with Wearing of Synthetic Hairs (Wigs, Weavons, Hair Extensions/Attachements) In Nigeria

Author(s): Dike Ijere, N., Okereke, J.N., and Ezeji, E.U.

The female gender daily crave for new looks supposedly to boost selfconfidence and maintain elegance through the constant use of various synthetic hairs in the form of wigs, weavons and hair atttachments/ extensions of different sizes, colours and patterns without taking cognizance of the underlying harm of wearing such synthetic hairs. The potential hazards associated with wearing synthetic hairs by female folks in Nigeria was carried out using 10 different synthetic hairs obtained in different outlets. The presence and concentrations of some heavy metals such as cadmium, iron, silver, zinc, lead, chromium, manganese copper, nickel, tin and vanadium including high levels of acidity and nitrate in the synthetic hairs were determined using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) according to the methods by APHA and FEPA. The Gas Chromatograph (GC) was used to determine the chemical substances (which were mostly Polychlorinated biphenyls) present in the synthetic hairs. It was observed that 4, 4-bipyridinium dichloride, cannabinoids, buprenorphine, emamectin, g-HCH and chlorpyrifos were highly significant in these synthetic hairs at different levels. The elevated levels of heavy metals and chemical substances found in these synthetic hairs shows a propensity to cause harm to the wearers/users. Thus, the need to consider the implications before buying and wearing of these hairs as chemical substances and heavy metals induce toxicity to human body even at low level.

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