Periodontal health Status among adults affected with pre-cancerous conditions and lesions in Hyderabad city: A case-control study

Author(s): Katukuri Saikumar, Aishwarya Lakshmi Billa, Shravya Deverashetty, Sumalatha Appam, Sharika Yadav, Jeevan Josh, Akshith Basetty

Aim: To evaluate the periodontal-status of patients with Pre-Cancerous Condition and Pre-Cancerous lesions and compare it to that of healthy control and to compare and correlate the periodontal status of patients with Pre-cancerous condition & Pre-cancerous lesions& healthy adult patients based on age, gender & deleterious habits.

Methods: A case-control study was conducted to assess Periodontal-health Status among adults affected with Precancerous conditions & lesions in Hyderabad-city. Study participants were Adults aged 35 years and above with pre-cancerous conditions & lesions. The control group was also matches with the age & gender with case-group.The Periodontal-status was assessed by Bleeding on Probing (BOP), periodontal pockets, Loss of Attachment (LOA) using World Health Organization (WHO)-Oral Health Assessment-form for adults-2013.

Results: A total of 200 adults participated in the study, comprising of 57%males and 44%females among them 100-participants are diagnosed with pre-cancerous lesion and pre-cancerous condition( leukoplakia (35%), erythroplakia (17%), Oral sub mucous fibrosis (24%) and oral lichenplanus (24%) and 100-participants are controls with matched age and gender. High mean scores of gingival bleeding, periodontal pocket & loss of attachment was in cases compared to controls (30.1±6.7, 3.9±1.9&2.5±1.5) and there was statistical significant difference of gingival bleeding and periodontal pocket among cases and controls (p-value =0.000&0.004). There is positive correlation between age, gender, deleterious habits, precancerous-lesion, precancerous-condition and periodontal-status among them statistically significance difference was between age and periodontal pocket (p-value =0.026) and presence of lesion to gingival bleeding (p-value=0.046).

Conclusion: This study concludes that overall periodontal status was worse (poor) in precancerous lesions (leukoplakia, erythroplakia) and precancerous condition (oral submucous fibrosis, oral lichenplanus) than control group and tobacco and alcohol consumption was significant risk factor for development of precancerous lesion and condition.

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