Effect of Cognitive Training by Music Therapy

Author(s): Kazue Sawami, Tetsuro Kitamura, Chizuko Suishu

Purpose: Targeting elderly people who live in local areas, by intervening the mixture of music therapy and recognition training, we will clarify if there is a significant difference among before the intervention, and non-intervened term, and after the intervention.

Method: The object of studies turned out to become 162 people out of 200 people through the invite applications. We compared the music therapy as once a month for 90 minutes with the group that were intervened for 3 months and the group that were not intervened for 3 months. We conducted the measurement between Montreal Cognitive Assessment test (MoCA test), which is a screening scale of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and the measurement of the stress level was conducted by doing a comparative test by measuring the amylase of sublingual glands and one-way analysis of variance. In addition, we validated the interphase of cognitive function and the stress level with the use of Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient.

Result: Regarding cognitive scores, both immediate replay tasks (p<0.05) and delay playback tasks (p<0.01) had a significant rise after the intervention. In the respect of evaluating the total points of the doubt about the presence of MCI, the score improved after the intervention (p<0.01). The amount of amylase included in the saliva that shows the stress level decreased after the intervention (p<0.05), and there was a correlation found between the stress level and the cognitive scores.

Conclusion: After conducting the recognition training that integrates music therapy, there was a significant improvement in the cognitive score and a decrease in the stress level. Thus, this method is beneficial in terms of elderly people to do training without being stressed and from now on we will have to continue to improve the method.

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