Nutrition Information System (SISFORNUTRIMIL) Application with Food Record Online for Indonesia Pregnant Women: Protocol for Randomized Controlled Trial

Author(s): Koeryaman MT, Pallikadavath S, Isobel R, Kandala N


The pregnant women and family may not have the necessary knowledge and skills to estimate nutrient value in line with dietary targets and the guidelines, i.e. they do not know whether or not they are consuming the right amount of nutrition needed during pregnancy. The aims of this randomized controlled trial (RCT) is to examine the effectiveness of SISFORNUTRIMIL application on maternal eating behaviour and clinical indicators such as weight gain, blood pressure, biochemical measurement, and pregnancy outcome.


The study recruits 109 participants with eligible criteria during November 3rd 2019, and mid-January 2020. The allocation of participants is 1:1 to the SISFORNUTRIMIL application user (56 participants) and non-user application (53 participants), with criteria: singleton pregnancy (22-26 weeks), mother age between 19-30 years old), have monthly income and literate. The participants in the intervention group received a face-to-face visit and standardised prenatal care and diet advice from healthcare professionals which the intervention group used a web-based app for 12 weeks to follow food choices and input their dietary intake on the dietary record that had synchronised total calorie estimation. At the same time, the control group received the usual care and paper-based method only.


This is the first randomized controlled trial to examine the effectiveness of the SISFORNUTIMIL application. Additionally, the researcher's personal efforts to reduce morbidity and mortality rates caused by poor nutrition. The frameworks have focused on nutrition self-monitoring interventions concerning calorie intake and food diversity consumed. The application's interface comprises

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