NUSS Procedure in a Patient who had Traumatic Thoracic Aortic Dissection and Thoracolumbar Spine Fracture: A Simple Modification
Author(s): Ikram Ul Haq Chaudhry, Ahsan Cheema, Chaudhry Aqeel, Yousif A Alqahtani, Zahra Alhaji, Sama M Al Suleiman, Makhdomi KR
Nuss procedure, also known as minimally invasive repair of pectus excavatum (MIRPE), is a standard practice in modern surgery. Although initially, this procedure was recommended for the younger age group but nowadays, surgeons also practice in the older age group. Due to little modifications of the original Nuss procedure, the complications rate had markedly reduced. We report a case of 21 years male with pectus excavatum who had traumatic thoracic aortic dissection and fracture of the thoracic spine three years before presentation. He came to our hospital to correct pectus excavatum deformity. At the same time, he was refused by other hospitals due to previous aortic dissection treated with endovascular stent and thoracolumbar spines spine fixed with metallic bars. With a simple modification, MIRPE was performed safely, and the patient was discharged for follow up in outpatient with an excellent outcome.