Nursing Student’s Perceptions on Formative Assessment Procedures and its Effects on Midwifery Module Performance: A Cross-Sectional Study among Diploma Nursing Students in Tanzania

Author(s): Yuster C Makule, Stephen M Kibusi, Aziza S Machenje


The issue of low performance among student nurses is still a challenge in theoretical and clinical practice, insufficient use of formative assessment is among the contribution factors. Objective: Assessment of nursing students’ perceptions on formative assessment procedures and its effect on midwifery subject performance


A Cross-sectional study of 430, third year Diploma Nursing Students’ from seven nursing schools was conducted in Kilimanjaro, Dodoma, and Morogoro regions. The approach was quantitative and a sample size was calculated and obtained using simple random sampling technique. Students’ perception was measured by 18 questions from the tool adopted and modified from Vaessen[1], performance of students was reviewed and recorded using NACTE form NO.3. Descriptive and Principal Component Analysis used to analyze data of this study.


Out of 430 respondents of this study, 221 (51.4%) had positive perception on formative assessment procedures. Also out of 430 respondents, 226(53%) had high performance in midwifery II module with the mean score of 69.85%. Moreover, the association between students perception and performance on midwifery module was not statistically significant (X2= 0.027, p=0.870)


Majority of students’ reported positive perception on formative assessment; however, there were no association between perception and actual midwifery module performance, yet, students with positive perception performed high than those with negative perception.

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