Neurological Development of Infant after Surgery of Giant Parietal Encephalomeningocele- A Case Report

Author(s): Joanna Schreiber-Zamora, Bozena Kociszewska-Najman, Slawomir Barszcz, Natalia Goluchowska, Piotr Rzepniewski, Emilia Soltan, Natalia Czaplinska, Ewa Gluszczak-Idziakowska, Michal Brzewski

Encephalocele is a congenital neural tube defect associated with protrusion of the meninges and/or cerebral tissue through a defect in the cranium. Parietal encephalomeningoceles are rare and make 10% of these abnormalities. In this case we present neurological development of infant after a surgery of a giant parietal encephalomeningocele.

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