Atypical Finishing with Lower Incisor Missing and Lower Primary Canine Retained using Improved Super-Elastic Ti-Ni Alloy Wire and Aligners  

Author(s): Lo Yu-Cheng, Chen Yuan-Hou, Chiang Hsien-Hsiung, Yu Jian-Hong

Introduction: This is an atypical finish case with extraction of bilateral deciduous canines and three incisor finishing due to lower lateral incisor congenital missing replaced by 1st premolars. We used improved super-elastic Ti-Ni alloy wire (ISW) for anterior anchorage preparation during the molar mesial drive. Aligners for finishing and detailing were adopted because patient was ordered to an international expatriate job. We are going to discuss the mechanism we used, atypical finishing consideration and timing for aligners using.

Findings: This case report describes an adult female patient with lower incisor missing, lower bilateral primary canines retained, and dental crossbite. All were treated successfully with improved super-elasticity Ti-Ni alloy wire and aligners.


Conclusions: After the treatment, a desirable outcome was achieved and the patient was pleased with the treatment result. To sum up, wire orthodontics (WO) and aligner orthodontics (AO) will be a flexible and humanity treatment strategy for patients in the future.

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