Knowledge of Diabetic Patients towards Diabetes Mellitus in a Sample of Patients Attending Diabetes and Endocrine Center

Author(s): Khalidah Salman Saad

Background: Diabetes is a chronic disease that affects people and requires the continuation of medical treatment and follow-up, which is a widespread disease at all the time and places in the world.

Aims: To assess the knowledge level of participants towards diabetic mellitus and found any relation between variables.

Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted in Diabetes and endocrine center in Baghdad for a period started from February 2018 up to July 2018. In this study (150) diabetic patients from different age categories, both males and females, were included in the study. The data analysis through descriptive and chi- square statistical analysis by using soft STATA version 13.

Results: The mean age of participants were 40.8 and SD 0.94 with 95% CI [39.0155-42.7310]. 52 (34.7%) in the age groups (40-49) years old, 86 (57.3%) were males, live in urban area were 128 (85.3%), employed 45 (30%), married 105 (70%), 38 (25.3%) were elementary school. Not statistically significant has been found between the type of diabetic and gender with the knowledge level toward diabetic.

Conclusions: Most participants had type II diabetes mellitus and family history; the participants had a moderate Knowledge levels towards diabetes. Significant association has been found between the knowledge level of diabetic with the age groups and type of therapy. Assist patient to determine amount of food, drink, or glucose tablets; also, education and guidance are provided to patients to identify risks for hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia and appropriately treat hypoglycemia to avoid unnecessary caloric intake and weight gain.

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