Integration of Postural Alterations in the Assessment and Neuromotor Rehabilitation after Anterior Cruciate Ligament Surgery: A Narrative Review

Author(s): Florian Forelli, Jean Mazeas, Marc Linard, Amaury Vandebrouck, Pascal Duffiet, Louis Ratte, Maude Traulle

Vision is one of the main systems used to control movement and posture. However, ACL injury can lead to changes in motor control which can then entail risks which compromise the chances of patients having undergone ACL reconstruction to return to competition. Current data from the international literature highlight postural disorders associated with visiodependence after ACL surgery and agree that it is essential to assess this type of deficit. There is however no up to date consensus on the evaluation methods. Neuromotor rehabilitation must take into account these disorders which can persist over time in order to optimize the return to the field of patients. Taking postural disorders and visiodependence into account makes it possible to limit the factors and risks and therefore reduce the incidence of iterative ACL tears.

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