Indications and Complications of Cesarean Delivery: A Retrospective Review at King Abdullah bin Abdul-Aziz University Hospital

Author(s): Hanadi Bakhsh, Sameerah AlMowallad, Lujain Alshangiti, Najla Alharbi, Shahad Alawad, Reema AlOtaibi, Yara Assiri, Fotoon Alroudhan

Objective: To estimate the prevalence, indications and complications of cesarean section(CS) in secondary care hospital settings in Saudia Arabia.

Study Design: A retrospective cross sectional study.

Place and Duration of Study: Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology in King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz University Hospital (KAAUH). Study duration was October 2017-October 2018.

Patients and Methods: A retrospective cross sectional study was conducted in King Abdullah bin Abdul-Aziz University Hospital (KAAUH) from October 2017 to October 2018 by using a formulated data collection sheet and self-structured questionnaire which was based on demographic data, past medical and surgical history and previous obstetrical history was filled from each patient file without any intervention. A total of 520 patients as sample size was estimated to keep in mind prevalence of CS at global level and by using WHO calculator. This study was conducted after getting approval from Institutional review board (IRB) of Princess Nourah Bint Abdulrahman University (PNU). Required data were collected with the help of a detailed questionnaire after taking informed consent. The questionnaire included different demographic variables (age, residence, and education level, and working area, nature of job, urban and rural).

Results: A total of 520 patients were included in the study. Out of which 306 (58.8%) were delivered by emergency cesarean section while 214 (41.1%) were delivered by elective cesarean section from duration of October 2017-October 2018. Descriptive statistics (Mean ± SD) of all quantitative variables like age, maternal height and weight, parity, BMI, Gestational age was computed. Mean age of patients was 31.6 ± 5.52 years. Most of the women belong to Saudi nationality were 488 (93.8%) while others were 32 (6.2%). Age of the p

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