ImPACT® Assessment of Photobiomodulation Therapy for Post-Concussion Syndrome

Author(s): Ronaldo Santiago, Jak Ozsarfati, Holly Shulman, Reuben Valenzuela, Michael Zitney

Background: Several studies have detailed the efficacy of Photobiomodulation Therapy (PBMT) as a treatment for concussions [1]. As there are no widely accepted imaging or laboratory modalities that document concussive injuries, monitoring improvement objectively proves difficult. ImPACT® is a computer based neurocognitive assessment tool meant to measure cognitive performance and subjective symptoms for concussion injuries. This study uses ImPACT® as a means to document an improvement in symptomatology for patients with persistent post-concussion symptoms pre and post-treatment with PBMT [2].

Methods: This retrospective study reviews patient performance in the ImPACT® test in a cohort of 35 patients who are diagnosed with mild Traumatic Brain Injuries (mTBI) and experiencing persistent post-concussive symptoms. Patients initially took the Post Injury 1 test then underwent PBMT therapy using the BIOFLEX DUO+ system three times a week for 4 weeks using approved parameters for treatment of the cervical spine soft tissue injuries. After the 4 week treatment, patients took the Post Injury 2 test and the results were compared.

Results: All patients improved clinically after PBMT and their Post injury 2 ImPACT® test results were significantly better compared to their Post injury 1 ImPACT® test results.

Conclusion: PBMT may provide neurological rehabilitation in patients with persistent post-concussion symptoms and ImPACT® is an appropriate and objective measure to monitor and assess improvement.

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