Hyperbilirubinemia as a Predictor of Perforated Appendicitis

Author(s): Rishwanth Vetri, Surabhi Sainath, Vishmita Kannichamy, Amit Banerjee

Appendicitis is the most common cause of surgical abdomen. Delay in the diagnosis and appropriate management may lead to potentially lifethreatening complications. Bilirubin is associated with the assessment of the severity of appendicitis. The objective of the study is to determine the role of hyperbilirubinemia in predicting appendiceal perforation. An online search was conducted in PubMed, Google Scholar, and PubMed Central to find relevant publications relating to hyperbilirubinemia in perforated appendicitis. Only studies conducted on humans were included. Out of the 1287 articles found, only seven were included in our final review. Of the seven articles included in the review, hyperbilirubinemia is confirmed as a useful predictor for perforated appendicitis or a marker of the severity of appendicitis. Preoperative bilirubin levels can be used as a diagnostic tool in perforated.

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