Heideggerian Hermeneutic Phenomenological Study of Lived Experiences of Nursing Care during Childbirth

Author(s): Nicholas Yakubu Danzima, Bismark Nantomah, Vivian Kapio Abem

Studies have confirmed that the nurse, during delivery, is the deciding factor whether the woman would have positive or negative birth experience. However, there is no literature on the lived experiences of nursing care rendered during childbirth in the context of Ghana. Hence this study was to discover women’s lived experiences of nursing care during childbirth. A Heideggerian phenomenological method was conducted on 10 women who had given birth. Data analysis was done using Diekermann, Allen and Tanner’s method. Analysis revealed three main themes: (1) Being-in-the-world of pregnant women in labor with emotional, physical, and informational support needs (2) Encounter with the health facility and practices and needing pampering and nice communication (3) Wishing for an environment of congenial and cordial relationship during childbirth. It is recommended that health professionals incorporate the themes emerged from this study into the plan of care for women during childbirth.

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