Functional Outcome of MIPO (Minimally Invasive Plate Osteosynthesis) in Distal Third Femur Fractures with Intra Articular Extension

Author(s): Jantaj Singh, Rajkumar Aggarwal, Chandan Jasrotia, Aarti Dewan

Distal femur fractures include fractures of the supracondylar and intercondylar region. They account for around 3-6% of femur fractures. They occur both in younger patients (as the result of high energy trauma) or in older patients (from low energy trauma as pathological fracture secondary to osteoporosis or malignancy). Despite advances in implant design, the management of distal femur fractures remain challenging. Fracture comminution and intra-articular extension with severe soft tissue injury can make it difficult to obtain an adequate reduction while preserving the soft tissue attachments to bone fragments to allow for bone healing. This study was done to study the functional of MIPO (Minimally Invasive Plate Osteosynthesis) in distal third femur fractures with intra articular extension.

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