Frequency and Risk Factors for Depression and Anxiety in Patients with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Presenting in a Tertiary Care Hospital Karachi, Pakistan

Author(s): Amera Tariq, Manahil Tariq Malik, Humaira Tariq, Samina Naseem Khattak, Tehreem Yazdani, Rameen Tariq Malik, Shahzad Rauf, Tariq Malik

Objective: To determine the frequency and risk factors for depression and anxiety in patients with Poly cystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

Study design: Comparative Analytic Study.

Setting and duration: Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at a tertiary care hospital in Karachi, Paki- stan from July 2020-December 2020.

Materials and methods: All females with diagnosed PCOS aged between 15-45yrs were included in the study .A total of 270 females (n=135) formed the study group. Group A (n=135) constituted females diagnosed to have PCOS and group B (n=135) without PCOS. Both groups were compared for anxiety and depression according to Hospital anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS).Demographic features were compared as well (age, qualification, BMI and parity).

Results: A total of 270 females were part of this research (n=135).Most 170 (62.9%) of study population was aged between 21-35years.112 (41.5%) were undergraduate. Most 160 (59.2%) of participants had normal BMI <25kg/m .In group A, 38 (28.1%) had depression along with 43(31.9%) having borderline depression versus 12 (8.9%) had borderline depression in group B, p-value 0.000, which is statistically significant .The overall incidence of anxiety in Group A was 116 (85.9%) versus 50 (37%), p value 0.00 which is statistically significant.

Conclusion: Depression and anxiety are common in PCOS. There is strong association of depression with young age (21-35), among graduate women and with no children that is subfertility.

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