Family Disruption and the Egyptian Personal Status Law

Author(s): Abdel-Fattah HMM, Effat S

The current study aimed at evaluating the current Egyptian personal status law as regard the family of divorce depressive disorder and its complications as deliberated self-harm (D.S.H), suicide, drug abuse and addiction. Many statistical data were collected and assessed by the researcher in order to find out the significant impact of the previously mentioned laws and legislations. Data were collected from the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics, General Secretariat of Mental Health and Addiction Treatment, National Research for Addiction, and previous publications. Data collected from different sources revealed that there is positive correlation between the cases of divorce and the amendments made in the personal status law during the recent few years. There are also impacts of the child custody age and the suspected cases of depression with its complication in all aspects of life. The findings suggest the need to revise the personal status law and to make the suitable corrections in order to avoid the exposure of the family of divorce to different negative impacts on custody and non-custody parent as depressive disorder.

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