Exploring the Relationship between Mott Cells, Platelet Counts, and Disease Severity:A Preliminary Investigation

Author(s): Dr Yamini saraswathi Gurram, Dr Gayathri Miriyala, Dr Sumith Mustyala, Dr Siri Sanmayi, Dr. Chidurala Rahul, Keerthana Chittepu, Tekuru Yogesh

Aims and Objectives:

To correlate the mott cell count and platelet indices and mott cells with the severity of the clinicaloutcomes such as bleeding, haemorrhageand shock syndrome in a Dengue population.

Materials and Methods:

A sample population of 30 serologically positive dengue patients were taken for the study andstudied for 1 month. Blood samples from serologically positive dengue patients were collected and analysed using Mindray bc 6200 hematology analyser for complete blood picture including platelet indices like mean platelet volume (MPV), platelet distribution width(PDW) and Platecrit(PCT). The sample was also used to see the morphology of mott cells under peripheral smear. Data was collected and analysed using Microsoft Excel, Chi-square test and correlation statistics.


In this study, out of 30 serologically positive dengue patients, only two of them had high mott cell count. In thosepatients, platelet count was also decreased. Mott cells with PDW showed negative correlation but were not statistically significant.


There is a correlation between mott cells and platelet counts being high mott cell count correlates with lowplatelet counts in some of the patients but it is considered insignificant due to limited sample size. Low platelet counts were also associated with high PDW and low PCT in all the patients in the study indicating a relation among the three parameters. There is also a relation between platelet indices and the severity of the disease but no significant relation was foundbetween mott cells and severity of the disease.

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