Exploratory Study of Risk Factors for Congenital Malformations in Morocco

Author(s): K Forci, E Bouaiti, MH Alami, A Mdaghri Alaoui, A Thimou Izgua

Background: The aim of the study is to describe the teratogenic risk factors of congenital malformations in a large sample from the Moroccan population.

Methods: It is a descriptive epidemiological study conducted between January 1st, 2011 and June 30th, 2016 at the "Les Orangers" maternity and reproductive health hospital in Rabat, Morocco. The data were collected on pre-established sheets and on the hospital’s malformations register.

Results: A total of 245 cases of congenital malformations were recorded out of a total of 43,923 births with a prevalence of 5.58 per thousand. Women over 35 years represent 24.1% of all cases. Consanguinity was found in 22.4% of cases, maternal diabetes in 7%, Fenugreek and herbs intake in 28.6%, and medication in 2.8%. Almost all of women (97.5%) are of low to moderate socio-economic level. Antenatal diagnosis was performed in only 28.6% of cases.

Conclusion: Causes and risk factors of congenital malformations are diverse, which requires the application of large preventive and therapeutic approaches. However, the identification of risk factors specific to each country is necessary to establish specific preventive measures.

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