Epidemiological, Clinical and Prognostic Characteristics of Haemorrhage in the Third Trimester of Pregnancy at the Mother and Child Health Center in the Zinder Region

Author(s): Magagi Amadou, Oumarou Garba Souleymane, Maikassoua Mamane, Lankoandé Zalika, Hassan .M . Laoual, Maman Sani

Haemorrhage in the third trimester of pregnancy is an obstetric emergency with a life-threatening maternal-fetal prognosis. The study was cross-sectional, descriptive and analytical from February 1 to September 30, 2022, at the Centre de la Santé de la Mère et de l'Enfant in Zinder. Pregnant women admitted for haemorrhage in the third trimester of pregnancy were included. Analysis was performed using Epi-info software version Out of 3957 obstetric admissions, 277 cases of hemorrhage in the third trimester of pregnancy were recorded, representing a frequency of 7%. The 18-35 age group was the most represented with 80.84%. Over half the patients came from rural areas (67.87%) and 78% were referred. Large multiparous women accounted for 44.40%. Blood transfusion was performed in 57.40% of patients. The maternal mortality rate was 5.05%, with 60.65% of stillbirths. Haemorrhage in the third trimester of pregnancy remains a major obstetric complication at the CSME in Zinder, with a high fetomaternal mortality rate

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