Digital Smile Design Applied to Dental Esthetic: A Case Report

Author(s): Marina Rodrigues Santi, Beatriz Ometto Sahadi, Rodrigo Barros Esteves Lins, Marcelo GIANNINI, Luis Roberto Marcondes Martins

The digital smile design (DSD) has been used as a tool for esthetic dentistry that improves predictability of rehabilitation procedures such as direct restorative techniques, which are an effective alternative with low cost to obtain dental esthetics in a short clinical time. This case report aimed to present an integrated planning related to functional, esthetic and emotional requirements from the patient based on digital design parameters. A 23-years-old male patient presented yellowed lateral incisors and canines, with diastema among anterior teeth, and dento-gingival disharmony. The facial harmony, dento-gingival parameters and teeth dimensions were analyzed using DSD. The following clinical procedures were performed: gingivoplasty surgery around the upper right and left lateral incisors (teeth 12 and 22), dental bleaching with 35% hydrogen peroxide combined with 15% carbamide peroxide, and upper anterior direct restorations using resin composite, which resulted in natural aspect and the harmony of the smile.

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