Correlation between Meteorological Factors and SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Belém Metropolitan Region
Author(s): Félix Lélis da Silva, Maryjane Diniz A. Gomes, Samio Costa de Sousa, Marcos Francisco Serafim de Souza, Nathany Braga Santos, Alexandre da Trindade Lélis, Bosco Silveira Brito, Javier Dias Pita, Klewton Adriano Oliveira Pinheiro, Gabriel Lélis P. da Silva
Many factors may influence the spread of viruses and respiratory infections. Studies have suggested a direct relationship between environmental factors and population density with COVID-19 cases. This work aims to analyze meteorological and demographic variables with COVID-19 cases in regions of subtropical climate in Brazil through correlational study and Krigagem. The results suggest that population and demographic density (inh./km2) are risk factors for SAR-Cov-2 spread and the increased records of daily COVID-19 cases. The distribution of cases according to age group presented a similarity between men and women. Relative humidity (RH) (%), average temperature (ºC), minimum temperature (ºC), maximum temperature (ºC), wind speed (m/s), and daily rainfall (mm) showed negative relationships with COVID-19 cases in regions of humid equatorial climate. Analysis between combinations of environmental factors (wind, temperature, and RH) is fundamental to understand the dynamics of SARS-Cov-2 in the environment. The northern region of Brazil presents low wind speed, high temperatures, and high RH. The combination of such environmental factors reduces the transmission process by hindering the virus movement in the environment. The transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in this region occurs through fluids in the air between person-to-person and by contact between objects-to-person. Therefore, strategic public policies to combat the pandemic must consider the regional environmental factors and control and/or block people’s transit.