Correlation Analysis Between OHI-S and PBI-S Ainamo and Bay in Children Aged 6 Years

Author(s): Dobrinka Damyanova, Elena Dimova

Introduction: When assessing the oral or hygienic status of a group, community, or population, different assessment systems are used to choose specific teeth and surfaces. A total numerical expression of the hygienic state is calculated and the digital index is called an oral hygiene index. The aim of the study is to describe the relationship between OHI-S and PBI-S in childhood.

Material and Methods: Object of observation. The study is about the oral hygiene status of 60 children aged 6 years. Oral-Hygiene Index, OHI-S Greene and Vermillion (PI / 6 + CI / 6) - (Modified) is used to establish Oral Hygiene status. The research also includes the condition of the gingiva by evaluating the Papilla Bleeding Index (PBI-S) - Ainamo and Bay. Location of the study: University Medical Dental Center Varna, Faculty of Dental Medicine. After processing the results and determination of the highlights was conducted by actual survey data processing package for mathematical and statistical analysis SPSS v 20.0.

Results: Comparison of OHI-S results according to PBI showed the presence of a statistically significant difference (F = 34.63; p < 0.001), with a tendency for OHI-S to increase with an increase in the percentage of PBI-S. In examining the relationship between OHI-S and PBI, an extremely strong direct correlation was found (r = 0.923; p < 0.001).

Conclusion: 1. PBI correlation analysis of OHI-S results showed a statistically significant difference. 2. The average value of OHI-S increases with an increase in the percentage of PBI-S.

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