Consumption of Convenience Store Food and Obesity in Urban Preschool-going Children: A Cross-Sectional study in Nepal

Author(s): Parvez Ahmed, Alisha Bohora, Nawzia Yasmin, Nazmul Alam, Mahim Eaty


Childhood obesity is a complex condition and the associated factors are not well understood. This paper aims to explore the relationship of behavioral factors including consumption of convenience stores food for lunch at school and obesity in urban preschool-going children.

Methodology and principal findings

A cross-sectional study was conducted among 351 randomly selected preschool-going children in Montessori-based schools in Kathmandu, Nepal. Parental socio-economic information, lifestyle, and behavioral information of children including lunch food source and physical activity was collected. The Body Mass Index (BMI) of the children was measured and the cut-off point of the World Health Organization was used to categorize children into underweight, normal, overweight, and obese according to age and sex. Multinomial logistic regression analysis was conducted to assess the association. Odds of obesity increased for consumption of convenience store food for lunch [Adjusted Odds Ratio (OR) = 2.758, 95% CI=0.567-13.415] in comparison to home-cooked food. Odds also increased moderately for physical inactivity (AOR=1.951, 95% CI=0.199-19.152).


The findings suggest that consumption of convenience store food for lunch at school is associated with obesity in urban preschool-going children in Nepal. The findings can help to explain the information and knowledge gaps regarding obesity in preschool-going children in Nepal.

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