Characteristics of Long COVID Symptoms of People Affected by COVID-19 living at Dhaka Division, Bangladesh

Author(s): Tamzid Hossain, Mohammad Anwar Hossain*, Farjana Sharmin, Md Ershad Ali, Md. Shafiqul Islam, Kulsum Akter, Shahid Afridi, Amina Akter, Luthfor Rahman, Rubaya Sultana

Background: The objective of this study was to identify the Characteristics of long COVID symptom and explore the relation among long COVID symptoms and socio demographic variables and explore the level of impact on people’s life due to long COVID symptoms.

Method: A prospective survey was undertaken of cross-sectional study to confirmed people living with and affected by long COVID (aged 18– 87 years). 294 participants were recruited from across Dhaka Division, Bangladesh. All participants had a previously confirmed positive COVID-19 diagnosis and passes at least 12 weeks are reported persistent symptoms and difficulties in performing daily activities. Participants who consented were contacted by face-to-face interview. MBPI and MBFI scale were used to measure the severity of pain and fatigue.

Result: Among 294 participants, the prevalence of long COVID symptoms at 12 weeks was 15.6%. Association in between gender and modified brief fatigue inventory are noticed. Female are more probability to effected than male to fatigue. Also, association in between comorbidities and modified brief pain inventory are noticed. Who has more co-morbidities, he/ she is riskier to affected by long COVID pain symptom.

Conclusion: In general, from this study can be concluded that the current understanding of long COVID, a relatively new and puzzling condition that may affect COVID-19 survivors, regardless of initial disease severity or age. In this study, the prevalence of long COVID symptoms was describes in this study. Also describes the characteristics of the symptom and association with age, sex and co-morbidities.

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