Beneficial Relationship between Restrictive Diet and Autophagy in Preventing Cancer Cells

Author(s): Aurelian Udristioiu, Alexandru Giubelan, Maria Daniela Papurica, Gheorghe Ioan Ovidiu, Delia Nica-Badea, Andreea-Mihaela Banta

Background: A diet rich in red meat, and poor in fruits and vegetables, can hinder the body's ability to detoxify, therefore, an alternative vegetarian diet maintained over a certain period, determines the elimination of excess toxins and accumulated residues, helping the body to regenerate and recharge energy. Following this simple rule, there are a multitude of benefits for our health.

Significance of the autophagy process: An even better regeneration of the body takes place during the black fast, in which senescent cells, (dead cells that no longer exercise any function, but instead produce inflammation in the body), are eliminated by autophagy, and in their place, the cells are stimulated stem. Aging can be associated with various pathological conditions if autophagy is not promoted by a healthy lifestyle. In elderly people, cells can show DNA mutations and accumulations of protein aggregates that impair the body's physiological processes. Several studies have shown that the activation of autophagy slows down the ageing process.

Conclusion: Aging, and its associated conditions of illness, are due to genomic instability caused by DNA damage, telomere shortening and epigenome changes that modulate gene expression.

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