Analgesic, Anti-inflammatory, and Antioxidant potential of S-adenosyl L-Methionine on Nitroglycerine induced Migraine in mice Models

Author(s): Sharmila Jalgaonkar, Raakhi Tripathi, Nishtha Khatri, Rachana Patankar, Snehalata Gajbhiye, Mohsin Sayyed, Arun Shankar

S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe) has an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and DNA methylation modulating effect. This study investigated the above effects of SAMe in Nitroglycerine (NTG) induced acute and chronic migraine mice model. Migraine was induced by injecting Nitroglycerine 10mg/kg. Mice were fed with SAMe in doses of 150 mg/kg and 250 mg/kg. Positive control (PC) groups received Sumatriptan (0.6 mg/kg) for acute model and propranolol (20 mg/kg) for chronic model. To assess the effect of SAMe, neurobehavioral tests (Hot plate test and 2-chambered box test) and biochemical tests (MDA & TNF-α and DNA methylation) were conducted. WithSAMe 250 mg/kg, there was a significant increase in withdrawal latency and increased time spent in light box versus disease control and it was comparable to sumatriptan (p>0.05) at 2hrs. In chronic migraine model, the improvement was consistent from Day 7 for both doses of SAMe. Treatment with SAMe with both doses recovered levels of MDA and TNF-α whereas 5-methylcytosine (5-Mc) levels showed significant rise only for SAMe 250 mg/kg group.Results of this study showed that SAMe 250 mg/kg dose has a potential to relieve pain for both acute and chronic migraine. The therapeutic mechanism for this effect could be due to its ability to decrease inflammatory markers like TNF-α, to decrease the oxidative stress by reducing MDA levels and restoring the DNA methylation changes.

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