An Atypical Case of Burkitt Lymphoma with Diffuse Peritoneal, Omental and Periportal Invasion

Author(s): Claus E, Creytens D, Matthyssens L, Mondelaers V, Herregods N

Diffuse peritoneal and especially periportal invasion of Burkitt lymphoma is very rarely seen. We present a case of a 16-year-old boy presenting with abdominal pain and constipation, without improvement after enemas. Abdominal ultrasound revealed a diffuse infiltrating peritoneal mass, omental caking, ascites, and a periportal mass, confirmed by computed tomography (CT). No lymphadenopathies were seen. Biopsy was performed and the diagnosis of Burkitt lymphoma was made. Although very rare, it is important to include lymphoma in the differential diagnosis of diffuse peritoneal and periportal invasion in children, as it can mimic peritoneal carcinomatosis.

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