A Rare Case of Childhood Hepatitis A Infection with Bilateral Pleural Effusion Acalculous Cholecystitis and Massive Ascites

Author(s): Ranjum, Naina Nanda, Nitya Sehgal, Susheel kumar saini*, Vinay Gahlot, Keerthana Anigani, Tushar Jagat, Ajay kumar saini, Seema kumari

Hepatitis A virus infections are mostly asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic in pediatric population. Generally this disease has a benign course and resolves spontaneously. However, intrahepatic and extrahepatic manifestations can complicate typical course of acute hepatitis A in children. Pleural effusion, acalculous cholecystitis and ascites are extremely rare extrahepatic complications. Pleural effusion or ascites does not change the prognosis or require any invasive treatment usually. We report a case of 8 years old boy presented with both pleural effusion and gross ascites accompanying hepatitis A infection. Diagnosis was done using serological testing and imaging studies. He was treated with supportive management only with full recovery after 4 weeks.

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