A Combined Surgical-Orthodontic Treatment of Two Infundibularis Mesiodentes – A Case Report

Author(s): Vassil I. Peev, Iliya V. Peev, Mary Hristamyan-Cilev

Aim: Aim of the article is to present a clinical protocol for surgical management of a case with two mesiodentes. The detained and inferior position of 21 is the other problem which should be considered during the orthodontic treatment.

Tasks: The tasks are to remove them from the arch and to involve the first left incisor 21 in the appropriate place. The main reason for surgical manipulations is the lack of esthetics.

Materials and methods: The patient is 23 year-old female with Diabetes Mellitus Type II. The malocclusion is classified as Angle Class I in the addition with two supernumerary teeth – both on maxillary jaw. The one is impacted, with canine form and the other mesiodens take place of the first central incisor with tuberculate form.

Results: During the surgical treatment, factors such as the general condition of the patient should be considered and a cost-benefit analysis should be performed. Problems with orthodontic treatment are related to the weighing and resorption process of 21 or adjacent teeth. The high motivation of the patient is important for optimal treatment and presents cooperation in the best light.

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