A Case-Series Investigation of an Integrated Parent-Mediated Intervention for Childhood Autism: ParentWorks-Spectrum

Author(s): Bridie Leonard, David J Hawes, Lucy Tully, Mark R. Dadds.

Background: Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and their families often experience difficulties that extend beyond the social communication difficulties and repetitive patterns of behaviour and interests that are core to the disorder. Parent mediated interventions for ASD have received considerable support yet are often lengthy and rarely address additional areas of need. This study investigated the feasibility, acceptability, preliminary effectiveness of a novel parent mediated intervention for families of children with ASD, ParentWorks-Spectrum. This brief (12-session) intervention integrates three skills-based modules addressing (1) Disruptive child behaviours that often co-occur with ASD in young children (e.g., tantrums; aggression); (2) Core features of ASD related to Social and Communication skills; and (3) Parent Wellbeing (e.g., parental stress). Method: A case series was conducted with (N = 8) clinic-referred two-parent (mother and father) families who had a child (male n = 7; female n = 1) diagnosed with ASD, aged between 2 and 5 years 11 months (M = 4.25 years, SD = .707). Results: Parent-report data indicated that the intervention was acceptable and feasible, and associated with low attrition rates and high levels of engagement. Moreover, significant reductions in child behaviour difficulties were observed. Seven children demonstrated reliable reductions in both the frequency and number of behavioural difficulties across the intervention. Conclusions: These findings provide preliminary support for Parentworks- Spectrum, and support the further evaluation of this brief, integrated intervention for families of children with ASD, in future research.

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